You may say, I’m a dreamer … #30dayblogwritingchallenge … day 9

My dream job changes with the fashions of the week, but I guess that comes with being a 21st century teenager.



I don’t even know if the job I really want to do right now qualifies for the dream job category… for one thing- it’s both very realistic, and very hypothetical .  and when you put those two things together it mostly sounds insane.

But right now I’m really looking seriously a law along with media and mass communication which I intend to use to increase legal awareness and empower people to make more informed decisions while giving a voice to others.

It’s a really Cliché thing, I know, but I’ve always been fascinated by two things-
Getting to know stuff
And being able to do something that’s unique, like painting or writing.

I’ve aways looked at people who write or do stand up comedy or spoken word or dancing with a lot of respect, but I realised,on interacting with a large and talented creative community, that passion doesn’t always pay you.
There’s a real struggle out there and when you’re selling something as subjective as art, you’d be safer to have a day job.

Which is why, even though my passion  includes writing, reading, drawing, arguing and painting in equal measure ,I want the security that comes with being able to afford whatever you want for a comfortable life, to be financially independent.

For a long time, my parents have been wanting me to study law so that my interpretation skills are honed, and although it’s confusing to a lot of people how this is going to be relevant to my choice of career as a writer or a stand up comedian or an artist or a media Baron(ess?) [ I wish to be all] , and I’ll be writing the entrance test to the National Law Schools this summer so I can graduate with a law degree from a decent place and I’ll also apply to media studies courses for a fallback option.

I intend on painting and performing things that help people interpret better. that help them understand that there is more to law than legal jargon and to help them to grasp that. law has always been a very elite profession, and legal practitioners seem intent on keeping it that way. I hope I can change that .

It’s not as cool as teaching kids or empowering women or going to the villages or making policies  – But I want to mix a bit of madness into that methodical practicality , and I have no clue whether or not it’ll work .

So well, for today

I guess that’s my dream job- something that pays me for facing challenges which I enjoy overcoming .  and gives me enough economic stability to afford 5000 kitkats .

And since I don’t really have specifics , it works for me .

It’s not dreamy , at all.

Im pretty  sure most days will be a nightmare initially .

But I can always hope that things will get better in the end.

and I can just hope it’ll be worth it.

8 thoughts on “You may say, I’m a dreamer … #30dayblogwritingchallenge … day 9

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